Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Video on shelving

Here is the video I made with the help Of "Tom the camer man". It has basic tips on shelving books.


My Rollyo site.

Rollyo is a search engine you can build to search similar website cutting out all unnecessary sites. My user name is Greendoor and my search roll is called library catalogue. I have added UTAS TALIS and TROVE. The reason for my search engine is that I am limiting my search to three catalogues unlike summon which is far more comprehensive. http://rollyo.com/greendoor/

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Now for Delicious------ To me this seems like a "cloud" for your bookmarks and tags. A cloud is a server that you can store photos, documents, music and anything else you want to keep safe and/or access remotely. Delicious seems to be a place that you can access remotely, to have your favourite book marks and tags available as long as you have internet conntection.


Thought I might try to explain RSS Feeds. Ready.... setty ........gooooo. RSS stands for "rich site summary". You use RSS feeds when you may find a website or blog that is of interest to you. Subscribing to a RSS feed means that each time to blog is updated you will be alerted.

Having a bit of fun at work.

Vertical Planking for the "older folk"


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Princeton Public Library Wiki.Viewed 20 July, 2011.

Princeton Public Library has made this wiki for the use of it's members. Members are able to review books (with prizes given out) and read reviews. Reviews are conveniently organised in genre headings. Also the wiki has links to the Princeton Public Library Catalogue. Princeton Library web site is also worth a look. You can now (as a member) place reviews on the catalogue and pay fines online. The University could learn from this.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Glimpse of the changes in gathering information with changing internet technologies

Sheehan, K. (2011). Loose Cannon Librarian. Retrieved July 6, 2011, from http://loosecannonlibrarian.net/

This site briefly describes the changes for this library workers use of the Internet and electronic media over the past 20 years. Including the digitization of collections such as collections held by Library of Congress. These collections of historical maps, books, music and other historical information have been digitized and are accessible by all.

Kate Sheehan has worked in many positions in public a school libraries. Some of the postions she has held at these locations have been: Open Source Implementation Coordinator for Bibliomation, Coordinator of Knowledge and Learning Services, Coordinator of Library Automation and prior to these positions was a technology and reference librarian.